Pulling a 1-Tonne car for 26.2 miles

It’s not every day you decide to pull a car 26.2 miles, but Director Philip and friend Warren Mauger decided to pull a 1-tonne Fait 500 along the coast road at Vazon. The challenge was thought up on a bit of a whim to further promote a car lottery, organised by Le Mont Saint Garage, which was raising funds through lottery ticket sales for This is EPIC, a charity very close to Philip’s heart.

After weeks of vigorous strength training, Philip and Warren set off on the challenge at 6am to maximise their daylight, pulling the car along the coast road, including on some inclines. With the car moving at just 2mph, the pair were up against it, and for lottery ticket buyers, you could play ‘passenger’ in the car for a distance. What a ride! But it was all worth it, with the challenge raising over £20,000.

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